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You searched for: columbus day

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  • Columbus' GPS recalculates when he lands in the Americas.
  • Columbus has depression.
  • Faye realizes the Columbus, Ohio costume she made for her son was misguided.
  • GPS on Columbus Day Sale thinks America is India.
  • Christopher Columbus copies Leif Erikson's work in school.
  • A car dealership has a Columbus Day sale, but the cars are already occupied.
  • A group of bold explorers, including a dog.
  • La Nina, La Pinta, and La Santa Maria affect the weather patterns for Indians.
  • Columbus pretends he has a flat stomach on the beach, when it's really round.
  • A man using the Columbus search engine is always finding new stuff, but not what he was looking for.
  • Christopher Columbus cheats off Leaf Erikson in school, and then does it again in adulthood.

You searched for: columbus day